Chimanaste Blog

Food Combining 101

I know, I know… As if there is not enough to worry about as far as what we are putting into our bodies. To also have to think about how foods combine in our bodies and how our bodies work to digest these foods is yet another factor in proper food absorption.

Undigested food creates a toxic environment within our bodies and can greatly effect our immune system and internal ecology. Certain foods create and acidic environment, while others create an alkaline environment. If you combine the two types of food they neutralize and interfere with digestion.

Ideally we should be eating foods that contain natural enzymes in the food that will naturally break themselves down in our bodies. In order to receive the full benefits and nutrients from a food it must be fully assimilated. Our salivary glands, stomach, small intestines and pancreas naturally secrete digestive enzymes; however, these enzymes are to AID our bodies in digestion, and are not supposed to be produced to break down every meal. Whatever food IS properly broken down from the enzymes supplied by the pancreas is absorbed as nutrients. The remainder of what we eat simply goes through the process of PUTRIFACTION. This is a fancy word for ROTTING. This process gives off gas, harmful waste products and damages the good bacterial culture within the colon. -

More specifically…Undigested proteins putrefy (rot). Undigested fats go rancid and undigested carbohydrates ferment. -

Anyways, back to food combining 101: Our bodies digest foods differently.

*FRUITS should be eaten alone and on an empty stomach. Why? Fruits will naturally digest within 15-30 minutes but if combined with other foods, they will ferment and delay digestion.

*Proteins (create an acidic environment) should be combined with non-starchy vegetables and or ocean vegetables.

*Grains and starchy vegetables (create and akaline environment) and should be combined with non-starchy and or ocean vegetables.

*Fats and Oils such as EV Olive oil, coconut oil, etc combine with vegetables, grains and proteins.

*Protein fats such as avocado, and nuts combine with non-starchy vegetables

and last but not least…
*Sugar- should not be combined with anything! It increases yeast growth and weakens our immune system.

*Dairy- our bodies do not naturally have the digestive enzymes to break down milk and cheese in our bodies. These products should also be avoided.

Some notes to remember after eating certain types of food:
*Wait 3 hours after a grain based meal to eat a protein meal
*It takes at least 4 hours to fully digest a protein meal
*Try not to drink at least 15 minutes before you eat so that the digestive enzymes in your stomach do not get flushed out. Also try not to drink for 1 hour after you eat to allow for the enzymes in the food to work and digest themselves.
*Room and warm temperature water will help aid in digestion of your food and also allows for better absorbtion of minerals in the water.

For more information please check out these links and the links above:

Raw Food Digestion:

Raw Food Combining:

Raw Food Digestion Chart:–  chart to show you digestion times of types of food.– food combining chart